
theDesk CSV Consulting©

A design-thinking focused creating shared value consulting project for theDesk.



What the project was

This was a project for a class. We were approached by the managing director of theDesk, a co-working space in Hong Kong. thDesk is a workspace that prides itself on being not just a workspace, but a community. Their observation was that their community of SMEs was struggling to hire GenZ talent, and that the GenZ talent they hired had skill gaps.

I worked closely with my team under the guidance of our course instructor to conduct interviews with current GenZ employees, University students and other relevant stakeholders. Ultimately, our insight was that cause of the skills gap was actually a lack of curioisty, which had to be developed earlier. This is why our solution – CuriosityLab, leverages theDesk's partnerships to build a self-learning platform tailored to the goals of each child.

CuriosityLab self-learning platform for high-school students.


CuriosityLab self-learning platform for high-school students.



how to reach me

Looking to grow or build your startup?

Reach out, let’s get the conversation started and bounce some ideas.

Devansh Gandhi
Venture builder


Copyright© Devansh Gandhi

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